Nor Cal vs. So Cal - A State of Confusion- Wall Map

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This California - A State of Confusion - Nor Cal vs. So Cal - Wall Map, addresses a long running issue between native Californians. The cartographic team took on the task of defining the perceived border between Northern and Southern California. In order to get conclusive evidence on where this dividing line is, we performed a series of geographic experiments as well as conducted an online survey of interested participants. We then combined the results and came up with a "definitive" line breaking California into two sections.

The final layout was designed by our cartographers with the experiment result maps surrounding the final larger map of California. Each of the steps and theories behind our decisions are described in detailed captions. The end result is an attractive California wall map that is sure to fire up the debate and discussion surrounding the hot topic of: just where does California change from SoCal to NorCal?This California - A State of Confusion - Nor Cal vs. So Cal - Wall Map, addresses a long running issue between native Californians. The cartographic team took on the task of defining the perceived border between Northern and Southern California.