• Waterproof • Tear-Resistant • Topographic Map
Mammoth Cave is a fascinating and beautiful labyrinth located below the equally scenic Green River valley and hilly country of south central Kentucky. National Geographic’s Trails Illustrated map of Mammoth Cave National Park delivers detailed and valuable information to assist you in your exploration of this unique and compelling region. Expertly researched and created in partnership with local land management agencies, this map features key points of interest including Green and Nolin rivers; First Creek Lake; Houchin Ferry; Turnhole Bend; Dennison Ferry; Maple Springs; and the cities of Brownsville and Park City. The print version of this map includes a detailed inset of the cave area, along with general information about the park and cave, as well as an inset of the historic entrance and vicinity.
Designed with a wide range of visitors in mind, this map features detailed topography with contour lines, shaded relief and e